About us
Beyond Image is the result of innovation by husband-and-wife team Mark & Sue Dyson, who have both spent the last 30 years providing clients with solutions to promote and help with their overall wellbeing and wellness. From within the industry, they have researched unique sleeping and relaxation products and have attended many seminars and conferences around the world presented by the leading sleep and relaxation experts.
The inspiration behind the creation of Beyond Image – Intelligent Massage Retreat began due to Mark incurring a shoulder injury back in 2017 resulting in many visits to a Physiotherapist – This is where Mark and Sue research into massage therapy began. Whilst researching, it come to their attention that in Japanese Culture, they express the importance of massage therapy with regular massages to promote good health.
With this in mind, using the latest technology have created a 5D Massage chair that offers a more life like, more precise massage. The massage chairs have built in sensors that will precisely detect your body type and spine length, adjusting roller settings to ensure that the chair targets the areas that need a firm relaxing massage. The zero gravity experience of the massage promotes overall well-being, soothing stress and calming both body and mind for a one-of-a-kind relaxation experience.
With our massage chairs this is completely different experience to receiving a massage from a licensed masseuse. You do not have to take your clothes off and get oily- feel relaxed in the comfort of your own clothes.
People these days are constantly looking for overall wellness and are discovering that massage is one of the best sources for achieving that goal. At Beyond Image, you will receive a massage experience that is exactly right for you. You won’t want to leave- Book a 30 minute massage today through our website www.aimassage.co.uk
Massage Therapy for all (New to the UK).
The deep, kneading motion of the 3-layer massage airbags mimics the motion of human hands to promote circulation, leaving you feeling refreshed, and alive.
Experience the new (hands-free) AI Powered Massage Retreat.
Humanistic 3D massage hands can move left-right, up-down or in and out, working your muscles just the way a professional therapist does.
As your back and legs are massaged by the chair, the foot roller will gently activate pressure points on your soles to improve blood flow and provide soothing comfort.
Experience Zero Gravity
The zero gravity experience of the massage chair promotes overall well-being, reducing your heart rate, soothing stress and calming both the body and mind for a one of a kind relaxation experience.